Jennifer Santos, LMFT
Jennifer Santos, LMFT
(707) 326-0426
I specialize in working with High-Conflict Divorce cases. Whether you are seeking Co-Parent Counseling, Individual Counseling (for yourself or children/teens) or Reunification Counseling, I can help.
I have worked in a variety of settings and with a variety of people including school settings, grades (5th-12th), teens in the Juvenile Justice System, Child Protective Services and Victim Assistance. I have led Anger Management and Girls Circle groups as well. Children, Teens, Individuals, Families and Couples welcome.
Working with families and youth is a passion of mine. I provide therapy for children of all ages, teenagers, families, couples and individuals. I am a Court Involved Therapist, and see court and or lawyer referred clients seeking reunification or co-parent counseling. Reunification is a very specialized practice which involves working with a child who has been estranged from a parent. Co-parent counseling can be useful for parents, most likely separated or divorced, seeking to resolve a few key issues. I will also help parents come up with a parenting plan which details holidays, birthdays and school days. Ultimately, I can help to provide the court with a child sharing custody agreement if need be.
I believe the answer is within all of us and I can help you find it. I look forward to hearing from you.